韩国SEBANG蓄电池Co., Ltd.
SEBANG Global Battery 致力于应对快速变化的市场环境的持续管理创新,并不断致力于技术开发,以生产出的产品。
Zui终,世邦电池有限公司不仅成长为代表韩国的电池制造商,而且成为向130 多个国家出口的五大制造商之一。
SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY Co.,Ltd has led the battery industry in Korea with the brand of ‘Rocket’ for over half century since the establishment in 1952.
SEBANG Global Battery has put forth its strength to the continuous management innovation corresponding to the rapid changing market environment, and has concentrated ceaseless efforts to the technology development in order to produce the best product.
As a result, SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY Co.,Ltd has grown not only as the maker of batteries representing Korea but also the top five manufacture exporting to more than 130 countries in the world.
Now, SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY Co.,Ltd is concentrating the efforts in order to jump to be the top battery manufacturer in the world.
And we, SEBANG GLOBAL BATTERY Co.,Ltd, will do our best to develop the high-tech clean energy, which enable us to enjoy and to comfort in the clean environment.
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- 电 话:13522350798
- 销售:王经理
- 手 机:13522350798
- 微 信:13522350798